Saturday, September 28, 2013

Graphic Designs

I've been doing graphic design and photo manipulation for 11 years now. I started off in GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) and later started using Photoshop which I now use all the time and have become an advanced user of, making good use to all of its advanced features and tools. I have also done a lot of work with 3D graphics. I started using Google Sketchup and now I use Autodesk Maya. I've also used Blender, AutoCAD and 3DSMax.  

I'm very versatile in use of programs. Other programs I have used in the 6 years of graphic design include, Illustrator, Indesign, AfterEffects, FX Home, Adobe Premiere, Inkscape and Corel Draw. 
I'm also knowledgeable in which file formats and types are suitable for specific purposes. For example I know that vector graphics are more suitable for printing things on a larger scale as it doesn't pixelate when enlarged and that pixel based graphics such as JPEGs are more suitable for photographs or printing high quality images, as they can contain more detail than that of vector graphics. 

I hope you find my work on this blog impressive and of good quality. Be sure to keep checking the blog as I'll be adding more work in the future. 

 In this image I used an image of a door and colour corrected it to the background desert image. Then I placed the snowy image and used the brush tool and layer effects to make it look like the snow had fallen through the door.

 Here I've used a picture of an apple and by using the mask tools, have created a mask around the separate eye and mouth images and feathered the edges of the masks to blend the images seamlessly together. I then colour corrected the images to add realism.

This image I took of my eye using my Iphone 4S. I used colour adjustment options such as the saturation adjustment to enhance the colour of the image. I then selected the background and added a Gaussian blur effect to add depth of field.

 Here I used a selection of different images to create a matte painting of a floating castle. The reflection of the boat in the water was added by using the brush tool.

This is an image I took of my dad's motorbike using my Iphone 4S. I then used layers and selection feathers to blend the images together. I then used brushes to add sparkle effects and used colour correction options such as brightness and contrast to add a colour effect and enhance the image. 

 Here I used brushes to add on the sparkle trails and sparkles in the distance.

 I used textures to add cracks and moss to walls etc. I also used the selection and transform tools to deform the train.

 In this image I removed the people from the street using the clone tool and made cars appear damaged by using the selection tool to select parts of the cars and then transform them. I also used textures to add cracks and moss to the walls and ground.

Here I used the brush tool, pen select tool and layers to design and draw on the lower fairing on the bike.

This is the front cover of a recent product and price guide used by my father's employer. I was asked to produce a catalogue cover by the Managing Director for his Company's latest catalogue. He gave me a design brief and some images that he wanted to include in the design. After coming up with my first design I presented it to the client and he gave feedback on what he wanted changing, with the final design as above. This catalogue cover could at the time be found on the company's website.

 This is a 3D model of a sports car I made in Maya
2014. I started with Nurbs curves and created surfaces from them. I then converted them to polygons and further edited vertices and used the extrude tool and insert edge loop tools to form the
contours of the car. I then applied realistic materials to the car and used a HDR Light image to light the scene and render it out using Maya's Mentalray.

I entered a logo design contest on  for a company called They gave a design brief of what they wanted and mentioned they wanted the text "" included in the logo. They didn't mention things like specific color schemes or anything else they wanted to include.

After researching companies similar to and gathering ideas, I came up with 3 similar designs that I liked and submitted them to the contest.

This is one of my later 3D models of a Mamod TE1A steam tractor. I first created this model in Google Sketchup 4 years ago and recently decided to remodel it in Autodesk Maya now that I have more skill in creating 3D models. This is the final render of the model.

I took the original picture of my latest bike by a local U.S. 8th Air Force war memorial using my Samsung Galaxy Note 4. I added in the picture of the B-17 bomber and colour corrected it to match the background image. I then applied a filter to the image to add contrast and give an overcast and slightly sinister look.

I showed this picture to the caretaker of the monument and he asked me to email it to him so he could send it to friends in America, France and Belgium.

I took this picture of two World War Two jeeps at Grafton Underwood memorial. I decided to see if I could remove the hedge in front of the jeep on the left. Using the pen select tool I selected the half of the front wheel that is visible then copied it and flipped it to create the back side of the wheel. I used to the clone stamp tool to add back in the grass and selected the shadow from under the jeep on the right to add the shadow back in. I added the jeeps exhaust and other details by using the brush tool and just painting it back in adding a noise filter to make it look realistic.

I took several pictures of me and my cat. The two top images were my favorite two as the left one the cat is looking at the camera and the right one I'm looking more directly at the camera. I decided to use photoshop to combine the two images and then used the brush tool to get rid of my facial hair.

Here I scanned an old image of me when I was around 5-6 years old. I used photoshop to colour correct the image and removed the white dots that are on the image. I also removed the manhole cover in the bottom left corner of the image. I then composited in a picture of my current motorcycle into the image.

This is a model I made in a of Maya of a 1930's Rolls Royce. I then did a second render of it composited onto a image inside of Maya.

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